Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Roy E. Weiss to Speak at Health Law Association COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall on April 6th

Dr. Roy E. Weiss, the University of Miami’s Chief Medical Officer for COVID-19, will join the Health Law Association on April 6 at 5 PM for a Town Hall on the COVID-19 Vaccine. The important topics to be discussed include vaccine availability and eligibility, the University’s plan for distribution, the plan for our upcoming fall semester, whether the University plans to mandate the… Read more →

SBA Sweatshirt Handout on April 7 and 8

We are excited to announce that the free Miami Law x SBA Sweatshirts have been delivered to campus! The first round of handouts will be on April 7 and 8 from 12-2 PM on the Bricks. Only non-remote students may pick up their sweatshirts on the Bricks. All must present their UM ID to claim a sweatshirt, and the same goes for a person… Read more →

2021-2022 Academic Calendar Now Available

As we look forward to a “normal” fall, the 2021-2022 academic calendar has been released. You can access it directly here: or via this webpage: You will notice that fall classes begin on August 23, and that fall break and spring break are back! In the event that the calendar needs to be amended, we will keep you posted on… Read more →

New Student Leader Installation Ceremony on April 1st at 12:30 PM

Our new student leaders will be sworn into office on April 1st at 12:30 PM. All are welcome to join the ceremony, at which incoming organizations heads (i.e. presidents, editors-in-chiefs) will be recognized. Please register in advance here: With any questions, feel free to contact Kelly Malloy ( Read more →

Healthier Snack Options Now Available in Law Campus Vending Machine

Thanks to the hard word of SBA Treasurer Lizzy Castano, the law campus now has some healthier snack options in the vending machine outside of Einstein’s. The snack options will now include: Gatorade Whey Protein Bars Beef Jerky Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars Belvita Bars Kind Bars (new flavors, almond coconut and dark chocolate) Cliff Bars (additional options) Trail Mix (additional options)… Read more →

Florida Lowers Age for COVID-19 Vaccination to 18 (Starting April 5th)

Today, Governor DeSantis announced that the age requirement to get a COVID-19 vaccine is being lowered. Beginning on March 29th, anyone 40 and older can make an appointment for the vaccine. The following week, starting on April 5th, those who are 18 and older can apply for an appointment. You can pre-register at: Reportedly, approximately 70% of the nearly 4.4… Read more →

SBA Welcomes 2021-2022 Senators

Congratulations to our new Senators, and welcome back to our returning SBA members: 3Ls Gabby Craft Carson Proctor Maja Veselinovic Andrew Graykowski Gregory Johnson Zev Chesal (returning)   2Ls Taylor Rich Renata Sassarini Christin Swanepoel Monica Larsen (returning) Nathifa Parker (returning) Kiyra Ellis (returning) We are so excited to work with you this year! The new Senate will be sworn in… Read more →

Your 2021-2022 SBA Executive Board

Hello, Miami Law! We’d like to introduce your new SBA executive board: Kelly Malloy (President) Elanny Lago (Vice President) Anoosheh Shaikh (Secretary) Lizzy Castano (Treasurer) Blanca Alcaraz-Serrano (Historian) Harrell Watts II (ABA Representative) These student leaders will be sworn into office on April 1st. Feel free to contact any e-board member with questions, comments, or concerns for the 2021-2022 year! We look forward… Read more →

ICC New Student Organization Leaders Orientation

The ICC, chaired by SBA Secretary Sara Ptachik, met yesterday for the New Student Organization Leaders Orientation. As a follow up to the orientation, the Secretary has a message for all new student organization leaders: “Congratulations on being elected a student leader for one of our diverse Student Organizations. The ICC looks forward to helping you advance the vision you… Read more →

Did you know SBA provides a ton of student services throughout campus?

The SBA’s Campus Life Committee has provided many student resources on campus over the years. Here’s a list of some of them and their locations: La-Z-Boy lounge chairs (Law Library – First Floor) Fridges (Jurisfoodence) Stand up desks (Law Library – Checkout Desk) Staplers (Printing Rooms) Students have let us know that they simply don’t know all that the SBA… Read more →